Auxiliary Schedule of Classes

Schedule of Classes

Florida Tech Online Class Schedule: fall 2025

8-week Term CRN Course Section Cr Title Notes Days Times Instructor Cap Syllabus
Fall 2 63303 PSY 3551 201 3 Intro Child Advocacy
TBA 0/0 Syllabus
Fall 2 63740 PSY 4242 201 3 Org Psych and Beh
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63741 PSY 4462 201 3 Clinical/Community Psych
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63742 PSY 4712 201 3 Prof and Ethical Issues
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 62572 PSY 4901 201 3 Experimental Psych 2
Shoji 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63743 PSY 5117 201 3 Leadership Foundations
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63744 PSY 5310 201 3 Ethics in Leadership
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63745 PSY 5314 201 3 High Impact Communication
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63746 PSY 5500 201 3 Organizational Leadership
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 60693 SOC 1101 201 3 Human Beh Perspective
Onyejekwe 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63747 SOC 2551 201 3 Social Problems
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63748 SPC 5001 201 3 Intro to Space Systems
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63749 SPC 5005 201 3 Space Power Systems
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63750 SPC 5009 201 3 Space Structure/Matls
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63751 SPC 5013 201 3 Space Systems Astrodynamics
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63752 SPC 5017 201 3 Aero Remote Sens Sys
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63753 SPC 5066 201 3 Spaceflt Human Physiology
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 63754 SPC 5082 201 1 Space Systems Capstone 2
TBA 0/30 Syllabus
Fall 2 62206 WRI 105 201 3 Sentences and Paragraphs
Caza 0/20 Syllabus
Fall 2 62207 WRI 1000 201 3 First-Year Writing 1
Berg 0/20 Syllabus
Fall 2 62208 WRI 1001 201 3 First-Year Writing 2
Berg 0/20 Syllabus